plotted Writing for writing great stories, small pieces of dreams, bits of sleep, a spoonful of joy and a finger of reason is perfect formula for a new morning awakening, allowing the first rays impact on our retinas dazzled by the most beautiful light ever seen.
Right now, I write to write, write and let out a part of me under the glass shell torn apart that threatens to break at any time uncertain.
.. great writer Paulo Coelho wrote in his day "When all days are equal is because man has failed to notice the good things that come into your life every time the sun crosses the sky "and I add that the man ceases to receive a good day routine when he is unable to see beyond your nose and no new aspirations, however uncertain or impossible they may seem, a dream, every desire is enough to fuel the engine that pumped into the center of our chest and unfortunately ends connected to our mind, although they are in constant battle.
I tend to write in a comprehensible rarely, only when my letters can be perceived by that piece bombeante ours, not only for the eyes. If it is true also, as many others, dragged the soles on the asphalt for not stepping never the flight but that does not stop my mind fly wherever they walk.
"Not everything in life is of one color or another. Miren but the rainbow."

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