Friday, October 22, 2010

Is Gastric Problem A Symptom Of Pregnancy

Fear not

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Back to poetry, to me, the sweet dream of the verb to say and no, in this time when many are reminded Miguel Hernandez and his " b goose drag my mouth" and other verses that are as carved into the skin and in the memory.

"Llanto de arena"
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For you, one of my latest poems , one that struck me to say through me, on a distaste for something on ... rather, read it.

TRANSFER (unborn baby)

pass without owner's wishes
at a time when nudity
gentle reflected in the mirror
pm starting
Some helplessness emerges
settles / socket / apoc
bleeds the joy ...
and there is an impassive
laughter that mocks
and threatens the sanity
there an escape from boredom
and to the complaint of oboes
softened the image
when some poems
are sad ...
not born


"Floral Explosion 2"
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To end this post, I want to tell that on one occasion, I wrote about me and my way of saying in this verse:

"That one I'm
going by my name, letter by letter,
making me sighs,
cleaves the night and then ... farewell
until awake,
; for me ...
what I am "

" Canto spring vegetable "
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