Looking at the vast sea of \u200b\u200binternet I found something that may interest you (or not) ... so is a collection of proverbs Nordic:
" Before entering a place, look for where to go "
-" The best that can carry a load is too much common sense man, the worst, too much drink "
-" Do not praise the day until evening has come, not praise a woman to his pyre (that is, until his funeral), not a sword blade until you have proven, not praise a maiden until you have married, no ice blade until it has crossed; blades do not drink beer until you have "
-" A man of respect should be reserved, thoughtful and courageous in battle, all (men) should maintain good humor until the end will come "
- "Be a friend to your friends. Responds to a gift with another gift, a smile with a smile and a lie as if you had not heard "
-" A man without friends is like a birch naked without leaves, bark, alone on a hill bare "
-" The best of life is life itself. Make sure you enjoy every moment and leave a good name behind you. There is nothing better than being alive and happy "
-" A coward believes he will live forever if you avoid his enemies, but no man escapes to old age, even if it survives the spears "
-" A guest must leave time and not abuse their welcome, even a friend gets upset if you stay too long "
-" Out of your home do not go away even an inch of your weapons "
-" A still lame man can ride a horse, a man without hands can still herd sheep and a deaf man can still kill, better is to be blind to burn on the funeral pyre. Are the dead who can not do anything "
- "Best free bird captive king"
- "Misfortune also visits the rich but the poor do it twice"
- "For too long sausages, the remedy is very simple "
-" All things have an end, except sausages, which have two "
-" The crumbs are also bread
- "The ambition and vengeance are always hungry "
-" Neither poverty forces anyone to steal, nor wealth it prevents "
-" The house which often mocks, just on fire "
-" In a deal, beware that a party is not with the sword and the other with the pod "
-" If you eat cherries with powerful you risk that rain down against your nose bone "
-" Close to the king, near the gallows "
-" Two can lie until a third drop "
- "The mouth rules the land, but the sea is ruled by the hand"
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