At first I thought tickets to space devoted to color, but on second thought for those who want to decorate or redecorate your home or somewhere that I think you have forgotten that it is better to see the full range of color followed, in order to decide better, I promise after the "embarrassment" in color spend some input to the peace of the target.

and I think it would be impossible for the façade of this hotel was of a different color, merging with the blue of the pool and combined with the white of the chairs a good thing.
the hotel's tennis player Juan Carlos Ferrero, I invite you to visit the inside.
the play of light at night is spectacular.
return to the serenity that gives the blue combined with white, a haven of peace.
an area of \u200b\u200bwork or study
I just like
blue striped in the bathroom
what you think this post? invites you to spend it?
a room very young and very clearly
could not lack a kitchen
the indigo is perfect for any corner
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