The red is ideal if you want to break the monotony of the environment or to give them momentum, but as always has its cons as too much can be overwhelming so we balance it with the rest of the decor or just in the details. As always makes me like it combined with white but this time I also add the Blue (without a precedent ). Well
vosotr @ s will say as I like most.
I love the approach of this room, it now appears decorated in red, simply by the force which printed details you get tired and just change the elements of color and you get a different room.
Another combination red and blue, gives impetus to the separate room to do so timeless and Unix. Perfect
A detail anywhere.
vosotr @ s will say as I like most.
I love the approach of this room, it now appears decorated in red, simply by the force which printed details you get tired and just change the elements of color and you get a different room.
combined with blue, as if
carpentry and cabinet in red, along with the checkerboard floor do it all.
like an afternoon of photo
contact CAME here: furniture
contact CAME here: furniture
A detail anywhere.