Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rockstar Wheels On Silverado

The loud singing of your laughter

"Different dishes"
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Building one of the most recent poems I've written, I still believe with you in the infinitely healing power of laughter and its manifestation in laughing or another eighth notes and eighth notes choreography.

There is a display of life in union with the humor, laughter, joy, enjoyment ... I think it is life itself . Nothing so eloquent that someone lives life as tenor of her laughter, that chirping noise that sometimes haunts us with any joke or the most infantile falls before us ...

"So many wishes for her"
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A invitation to laugh. I remember that section that had the Reader'sDigest: "Laughter magic bullet"

A laugh then ...

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Now, my poem:


Take your hand and bring
the exact site of your voice
to stop laughing out
and those chirps that massage
the softest part of your soul

Let your eyes be those with
-in the light of the last sigh
that elusive and necessary staff
of laughter without permission

Please hand over your regrets other
and give them the last farewell / goodbye the January /
to be the color and sound huge
who wash your tears of oblivion

Try to hear your voice deep shell
and the tam-tam enniƱecido your chest
to enter free of obscurities
to your site / to that where dwell
the wing's embrace laps

This / all
to concern yourself with the joy
that comes amid the storm
-wrapped in their awful eighth notes and eighth-
to take you to another state / to another area
of happiness itself ... without your fears
and then, only then
you cry " I'm alive! I viv o! "

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"Vive l'amour"
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PS: Today is the day of love and friendship in Colombia, therefore writing to you my best hug .... and my desire to continue this close.


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