Saturday, March 26, 2011

How To Beat Professor Chaos

Memories of what I wrote way back in 2003 I still committing crimes

"Strange Solarium"
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Back in 2003, I wrote for my FRIENDS OF POETRY - My DELIVERY No. 38 - which called " OF SUBTLE BENEFITS OF POETRY", and some excerpts from these ruminations on the subject said

" Silence is the spot where the poet's voice and the silent listener but also makes it a beautiful act speaking to ourselves. When we receive an "I do not know for sure, but I guess / that one woman and one man / one day want to" or is cast into a conversation or in a text, and strive to understand that we are reaching words of love from someone, who at that moment is not the Sabines in Chiapas but our reps against a deep feeling, there's poetry permeated our space and without us knowing, that bard Mexico is part of our lives. This, just to expose some simple simple examples are all around us. The same is true on a larger scale, with the cries music have been invading us from birth by those poets citizens that we have marked songs. These poets known for their exquisite lyric have also shown that undefined responsibility for the listener, or between production and consumption or between the development and enjoyment. "
He continued with" live in a " chaos" that allows the adoption of many reflections and insights from the mind to go amalgamating ours. Who did not sing and keep singing "I love the street that we saw ... "a Manzanero? There have been many that I became evanescent as compared to a" you've got a friend "and domamos take it and adapting it to each swear eternal friendship for it, and even today are retained, as in my case after 30 or 40 years, the result of "just call my name loud at " . "

post was an experience for 6 years in a row reflections to the letters and poetry. I had great rewards and great friends who became diluted over time, and as everything starts ... finished .

"S ilhouette "
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That same time I finished that with DELIVERY a poem for those who call or Urban Citadino , today I share and that is another first public:


's blood wars
is dry in the sun and wind
while it always rains in our loneliness
No amid a memory like ice
or no solution majestic
join us in the rescue
we only Colombia resigned
the future without a future ... As from today

Small enemies are
of invisible enemies and spontaneous
flowing in the streets
neighborhood between the houses elusive
in the squalid caves forest
and my horizon blue dombo
The Harp of the time when we were
be heard in the distance without relief
invoking transparency criterion
for ancient ills and beggars
where we met with fear ... not hear us
without seeking silence or support
dropwise to deduct its mystery

The family home and home core
the ancestral and violent colombianía
that haunts our history
have increasingly become
in a dry and rough fear
burning in the throat
to unclog and display
blood war extends
paddy fields and trails for mountain

a display of life without living
which we ... hidden all
in the ghettos Citadines Apart
without arrest to find a way

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1) Not all poets have the look " depths" of what poetry is, only that it is mine and I face is that without the shield of anonymity. Thanks to by DEPTH his views and his belief that my poems are a mere pastiche , but, like everything in life, continues to be a look of reality, only one of thousands of looks.

2) ; Thanks to the 606 who follow this blog, despite all its contents to "emotional blackmail , tautologies and condiments several romanticólicos"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dunk Tank Rental In Singapore

I love this idea, it is very easy to make and can make many shapes or drawings.
just need to punches or needles of different thicknesses a thimble y. ..

paper towels with different designs.
Put a cork taped cardboard or paper (watercolor) better to have consistency we want to work and over the paper towels in the letter we will have drawn the heart or figure we like and make holes.

easy right?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What's The Best Preworkout Suppliements To Take


Today officially enters the spring, so ...

prepare the gear

the showers


and enjoy the terraces and sun

that gustazo ...

colored flowers

and a romantic sunset.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Is It Ok To Wax And Use Tanning Beds


One of my recent vintage

"Woman 1"
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"time is reduced,
to slight movements in the dark ..."
Carlos Luis Ortiz

there that night ...
over time is enlarged
to traces of forgotten truths and
to excesses and Council not to give
to memories and fears
to mild presences that are not
to empty slogans and
parallel world
the ticking ominously repeated
to drop that continues
the wind whisper in his ear
while I ...
sink my insomnia
in despair
an area where I live
and where I almost died

"Woman 2"
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Maybe it's a tribute to those nights when sleep would not come for the soul and mind are filled with concern ...

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PS: About the title of this post, I recommend the book Mario Benedetti: "Insomnia and restless sleep" as a tribute to his poetry about when he wrote for last ... prescription