Well, then I show you my swordfish (still in process, so now is a potato)
Why a fish sword? I really liked that one I saw in a documentary (Earth ).
first thing I did was think of it as representative swordfish: the nose. Then I need a long end and thin. I tried to get him out of the way that you put in the picture. As I saw it worked, I put the paper that was to see if I could get the rest of the fish (to make the nose and I have two small fins NAS, I lack the tail and dorsal fin)
Then I went back to try again, and knowing that I wanted with the dorsal fin. I found that folding it got it without problems, but on paper.
I will work harder to see if I can do something with that paper (or prob ably will make a radical change.)
Well this my small contribution.
A greeting and good luck with the folded!
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