Greetings to all. This is my first entry on a blog, so do not be too critical.
In the mathematical sense of the word, a tessellation is a set (which may have only one item) of flat shapes that fill the plane without gaps. In the sense most papirofléxico is a set of folds that occur multiple times throughout the paper.
The tilings are often used to give the final texture to a model (scales, feathers, shells ...). In a tiling not SING THE edge of the paper, which means they can reaizarse (theoretically) infinite paper. This means no color changes. Finally, mention that if you make a tessellation on paper, but without tile of all there will always be wrinkles that extend to the rest of the paper.
The tilings are usually done with a paper prebreaking, a square or equilateral triangles. To make a tessellation is to remember things like splitting the side of the square in a power of 2 (2, 4,8,16,32,64 ...) equal parts or to make a square paper triangles. From the second I put a diagram here: Let

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