The original copy of my blog entry (
The other day I felt like a faucet design after seeing a picture in a book ...
I have taken it as a design exercise in box pleating, as this is my first model using this technique xD I have found it quite easy to pass on to a result "decent."
First Place wings in the two upper corners of the paper, the front legs on the sides and rear in the lower corners, head on the upper side of the square and the lower jaw. I made room to add strips fingers vertical sides.

Well, the base structure in the CP it as good as the first attempt.
not bother to fold up a piece of paper and there were several errors:
- The body was too long
- The wings were too close to the head
- The wings were too short because I wasted the corners putting strips
Ultimately, the figure was disproportionate, this was the result:
Well, next day I tried to resolve these errors at first base.
I took the corners to stretch their wings, put a "river" between the head and wings to be left behind and reduced body size in 3 / 4 of the above and I got this:

The only mistake I found in this database was that not enough had reduced the body, otherwise I was satisfied.
So today I tried to reduce body size and use of space is obtained by reducing it. I've posted some tips that could serve as "hair" or something like that, anyway, I'm not convinced that it works so I guess I'll try to detail more the part of the hind legs, but only an idea.
This CP is the tip, I have not folded:
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